

Diagnose your team's interactions to improve its efficiency

Based on the individual anonymous tests, you’ll receive a scientific measure of how your team functions and

recommendations to improve


Boost your teams

Is your team struggling to collaborate? Do you feel your team is tired and you’d like to encourage it to improve the well-being of its members? Team analysis is the answer to your needs. Based on the scientifically validated Effency character traits and combining the individual results, it measures the overall dynamics of the team through the similarities and differences between teammates, according to the eight character traits studied. The team analysis provides a global snapshot of the team’s dynamics, as well as its strengths, areas of improvement and recommendations. Individual tests are confidential, so the team analysis is anonymous.

Our tools

Effency’s team analysis measures the relational dynamics and cohesion of your group. Once all members have passed the individual test, you will receive a complete report on your team and how it functions. The report, which is based on a scientific measurement of interactions, will be sent to you within a few days. You will then have a diagnosis of your team and an idea of the complementarity of its members. We will provide you with the keys to efficient and satisfying group work for all participants. We will give you ways to improve and show you the specific points of the team that you will need to work on to achieve greater efficiency.


By analysing your group’s strengths you will be able to find out which traits are shared by your team members and which are not. You will then have avenues for improvement that will lead to practical recommendations. Depending on the issues addressed and the teams studied, the recommendations will vary. Thanks to a personalised analysis of your team, the recommendations can focus, for example, on team building, in order to work on group membership. They can also deal with questions of motivation, efficiency, or the atmosphere within the group.

An example of team analysis

The context: a growing SME

The customer’s request: To give everyone the desire to get more involved in the group in order to make the group dynamic more efficient, with the benefit of less turnover.